Integrate XCO vCenter Service

To integrate your VMware vCenter server with your XCO vCenter service, you need to do the following:

  1. Create or modify your fabric as required.

  2. Create or modify your tenant information as required.

  3. Register your new VMware vCenter Server as a tenant of the fabric.

  4. Verify your integration.

Manage VMware vCenter Server Tenants

The primary tasks of managing your existing VMware vCenter servers as tenants would be to update them periodically or when you add new devices to them. Another task would be to delete these servers when not required.

Example Network

The following network diagram will be used throughout this section to explain the various configurations.

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Sample Network Diagram
Sample Network Diagram

This table lists the devices, their IP or Port information, and their role within the example network.

IP Address & Port Device & Role VMWare vCenter Server ESXi Server #1 ESXi Server #2 XCO Server [0/10] Fabric Leaf Node #1. This node is connected to the ESXi server with IP address on port 10. [0/10] Fabric Leaf Node #2. This node is connected to the ESXi server with IP address on port 10.